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Laser Therapy

Lasers work through a process known as photobiostimulation.

The photonic energy delivered by the light of the laser changes cellular chemistry by:

  • Increasing production of cell fuel (ATP, or Adenosine-triphosphate)

  • Reducing inflammation and pain

  • Increasing circulation at the injury site

Laser light in the red and near-infrared range triggers a photochemical reaction in the body that increases blood flow to tissues. This in turn promotes improved function in the growth, replication and repair of cells, as well as the production of important compounds like enzymes, DNA/RNA, immunoglobulins and proteins.


Lasers are being used in veterinary medicine for pain management, to promote wound healing, to reduce inflammation and swelling, and for rehabilitation.

Conditions currently treated successfully with lasers include:

  • Acute and chronic neck and back pain

  • Fractures

  • Post-surgery pain, healing, and rehab

  • Muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries

  • Arthritis; degenerative joint diseases like hip dysplasia

  • Neuromuscular disease

  • Certain GI, urinary, respiratory conditions

The potential uses of laser therapy are also exciting, and include treatment of:

  • Allergic conditions

  • Chronic rhinitis and bronchitis

  • Bacterial and viral infections

  • OCD (osteochondrosis dissecans), a joint cartilage disease



Therapeutic Ultrasound

Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy

Low-Level (Cold) Laser Therapy

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Therapy

Physiotherapy, Stretching and Accupressure

Kinesio taping is a time tested therapeutic taping method using a uniquely designed elastic tape. This method optimises the function of many tissues and physiological systems.

If you require kinesiotaping for your horse in conjunction with a treatment session, the cost of the tape will be billed at £5 per metre.

If you are required to reapply in between treatment sessions you will be shown how. It can be used in conjunction with all of the other therapeutic modalities we offer and can be applied and worn for extended periods for continued therapeutic benefit between treatment sessions.


It can be used to treat acute and chronic pain, muscle imbalance, postural insufficiency, circulatory and lymphatic conditions, ligament, tendon and joint problems, fascial adhesions and scars, pathological movement patterns, neurological conditions, haematoma, inflammation, improvement in proprioception.

Kinesiology taping

Ultrasound is applied using a transducer or applicator that is in direct contact with the patient's skin. Gel is used on all surfaces of the head to reduce friction and assist transmission of the ultrasonic waves.

There are three primary benefits to ultrasound. The first is the speeding up of the healing process from the increase in blood flow in the treated area. The second is the decrease in pain from the reduction of swelling and oedema. The third is the gentle massage of muscles tendons and/ or ligaments in the treated area because no strain is added and any scar tissue is softened. These three benefits are achieved by two main effects of therapeutic ultrasound.

Study has proven that Ultrasound helps in enhancing the metabolic activities of cells. Thus, ultrasound treatment helps in tissue repair, especially in soft tissue injuries

Biomechanical proprioceptive wraps

Pulsed electromagnetic therapy is useful for decreasing or minimizing inflammation. Pulsed electromagnetic units have been shown to increase circulation, improve fracture healing, reduce pain, and promote healing.

It is useful in Veterinary physiotherapy applications such as:


Soft Tissue Injuries


Effectiveness occurs at a cellular level resulting in an effect on many types of cell, including soft tissue.

Magnetic fields influence membrane permeability. It has since been established that magnetic fields can influence ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) production; increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients

via the blood vascular system and improve the removal of waste via the lymphatic system

Balance is restored and the distribution of ions across the cell membrane can be re-established.


Healthy cells have a membrane potential difference between the inner and outer membrane. This causes a steady flow of ions through its pores. In a damaged cell the potential is raised and an increased and an increased sodium inflow occurs. As a result, interstitial fluid is attracted to the area, resulting in swelling and oedema.

The application of PMFT to damaged cells accelerates the re-establishment of normal potentials, increasing the rate of healing and reducing swelling.


Bruising and immediate injuries:

PMFT can help to disperse bruising also. A magnetic field pulsed at 5Hz with a base frequency of 50Hz can have the same effect as an ice pack in that in that it causes vaso-constriction


Pain Reduction

Pulsed magnetic field therapy has been shown to bring about reduction of pain,which again is due to action at the cellular level.

Pain is transmitted as an electric signal which encounters gaps at intervals along its path.

The signal is transferred in the form of a chemical signal across the synaptic gap and this is detected by receptors on the post

-synaptic membrane. A charge ofabout-70mV exists across the inner and outer membranes, but when a pain signal arrives it raises this to +30mV

. This action causes channels to open in the membrane, triggering the release of a chemical transmitter and allowing ions to flow

into the synaptic gap. The cell then re-polarises to its previous resting level



Effects on Fracture Repair

Acceptance of magnetic fields in medicine came about foremost in the field of

orthopaedics. Low frequency and low intensity fields have been used extensively for

the treatment of non-union fractures. By 1979 this method was approved in the USA

as a safe and effective treatment for non-union fractures; for failed arthroses; and for

congenital pseudoarthroses. The method has been used by more than 6,000 surgeons. The success rate was over 80% for tibial lesions. No patient sufferedcomplications and biological side-effects included improved healing and increased neural function. In-depth research carried out to investigate this shows that magnetic fields influence the process of bone formation in the intercellular medium. Madronero (1990) showed that bone healing was promoted by means of the influence of the magnetic field on the crystal formation of calcium salts.

Benefits of Massage and stretching:


  • Increasing and improving circulation

  • Enhance muscle tone

  • Relax muscle spasm

  • Prevent and relieve adhesions

  • Increase the range of movement


Physiotherapy can benefit the well being of the animal, release tension and aid mental relaxation. In the event of an Injury, massage is of great benefit to aid recovery and prevent atrophy (wasting) of muscles.


There are a number of techniques used during the physical therapy aspect of treatment and these include:

Ischemic pressure (Direct Digital pressure)



Physical Neuromuscular stimulation

Myofacial release


Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) involves the use of a device which transmits an electrical impulse to the skin over selected muscle groups by way of electrodes. Also known as an electronic shock unit, this therapeutic electrical stimulator is designed for home use. The NMES causes muscles to contract as a form of exercise or physical therapy.

As an adjunct to traditional physical therapy, NMES of healthy muscle is intended to strengthen or maintain muscle mass during or following periods of enforced inactivity, maintain or gain range of motion, facilitate voluntary muscle control, and temporaily reduce spasticity. This is often the result of chronic neuromuscular disorders and some nonprogressive myopathies.

EMS causes adaptation, i.e. training, of muscle fibers.Because of the characteristics of skeletal muscle fibers, different types of fibers can be activated to differing degrees by different types of EMS, and the modifications induced depend on the pattern of EMS activity. These patterns, referred to as protocols or programs, will cause a different response from contraction of different fiber types. Some programs will improve fatigue resistance, i.e. endurance, others will increase force production.

NMES can be used for training, therapeutic and rehabilitation purposes

Low-level laser therapy, which uses an intense beam of light, stimulates the body's processes, activates waste removal, increases repair activity, relieves swelling, heals surface wounds, and stimulates blood and lymphatic systems. It also increases serotonin, thereby achieving a calming response. It has been reported that laser stimulation has certain biostimulating effects such as: accelerates cell division; increases leucocytic phagocytosis; stimulates fibroblastic activity, enhances regeneration of lymph and blood vessels. Studies have shown that it also can cause vasodilatation. These effects can assist wound healing and relieve chronic pain when properly applied.


Super Luminescent Diodes - SLD's- Same effect as true lasers.

Infra red ( invisible ) - 880/950nm
Used to stimulate sub dermal layers to about 2cm to stimulate healing.

Visible Red - 627nm
Used for more superficial injuries and to stimulate epithelial cells during wound healing.

Blue - 470nm
Used to help reduce bacterial infection in open and dirty wounds and stimulate very superficial epithelial cells.

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